Solve, create, share and talk about jigsaw puzzles
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The person in the profile photo is my wife, Sue. Sue joined Jigidi 13 years ago and initially posted a handful of photos of paintings she found on the internet. Then Sue told me I could create puzzles using my personal photos. Now, ten years later, I have published approximately 11,000 puzzles.

I bought my first "real camera" in 2012, primarily to photograph birds. My bird passion has waned somewhat but since then I have developed an interest in all sorts of photography. Landscapes, flowers and non-posed photos of people are some of my favorites. I try to publish a wide variety of subjects, hoping there will be something for everybody. Sometimes I will knowingly post a photo I know won't attract many solves but I post it merely for "educational purposes." When I first got on Jigidi, I was frustrated because I wanted to know where the landscape photos were taken so I always include a description on all my photos.

Sue and I (Terry) live in Southwestern Oregon. We appreciate any questions you have about my photos.

I joined Jigidi on 21 December 2012 and was last seen on 19 April 2024. I've solved 11850 puzzles (2.9 daily) and put together 1119742 pieces (270.7 daily)

Puzzles created by this user:

15 March 2024 - 1 March 2024
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