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Agnolo Bronzino (1503–1572), Portrait of an Elderly Lady (ca 1540)

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Oil on panel
127 x 100 cm (50 x 39-3:8 in)
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  1. plky4:36
  2. nynet5:16
  3. jmtr5:44
  4. mighty_G5:47
  5. Kasperas6:04
  6. cher6:06
  7. Libbylocious6:31
  8. cbcw7:31
  9. paulovalida7:35
  10. nanaonly7:42


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Yes, early photographs showed the same expressions. I wish I had the old tintype photos that I used to look at when visiting my grandparents when I was a child. My maternal grandparents were much older than most. My grandfather was born in 1879 I believe. My grandmother was a Mayflower descendent. I have very fond memories of them both.

Sounds like a wonderful dream!! So glad you got a big grin, even in a dream, hope it held over when you woke up :) xx j


No, but she doesn't look bitter or bad-tempered or shrewish. Maybe it's just that in those days, people who had their portraits painted were supposed to look solemn and dignified as befitted their station in life.

In a dream last night, I was at some sort of fair or celebration, and a man arrived in a wagon with three enormous and gorgeous Irish wolfhounds. No one around me knew what they were and they were a bit frightened. I felt my face break into a big grin and I walked over and said "Wolfhounds! They're beautiful! May I touch them?" Everyone around me was very impressed with my knowledge and bravery, but the man with them was a little put out with me for spoiling his grand entrance. He let me pet them, though. :-)


She doesn't look very happy!


No, if she were alive today I'd guess her to be about 50. But in the 1500s the average life expectancy in Europe was around 50.

Not that elderly

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