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  1. Ianto0:28
  2. alias2v0:37
  3. Jackie480:38
  4. grd0:39
  5. treker0:43
  6. plainjane400:44
  7. RudeDog0:45
  8. wshealy0:48
  9. jen70:50
  10. puzzlecpa0:53


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I love to do art and have some of mine in my profile.


You are at least 5 sketch pads ahead of us who do not draw at all. Yours are recognisable and in proportion!


Thanks for the comment! Not sure Donna if I'd say talented, just finally getting to a point in life where I'm not afraid to put in on show. I've been one to experiment with what I do and my ideas. I took this to my students. I'll draw on anything. Paper placemats, napkins, carry out containers, even lunch bags!


You ate milti-talented, what a gift.
Yesterday we started getting weather alerts for poor air quality be cause of the fires in the western provinces of Canada.
London, Ontario


Oh!!! How nice!!! That had to feel good!🤗


We had become friends with the owner and people that worked there and other patrons like us. like the theme song from "Cheers"...just not a bar!


How nice! I went to a seafood restaurant once that had crayons for the kids. . , I drew a beautiful fish and left it! It was so pretty!
It’s really nice that you make a habit of it!🤗


It'so easy to just draw things that are already set before use. I remember when we use to go to one of our local restaurants and what waiting to be served or afterwards, I'd draw a thank you picture of just about anything on the paper placemats!

I believe at the time, I used a gen pen.


Nice. . . I have a fondness for both the Coast Guard and tree in fields with fences! What are you using to draw! Marker, pen?


Just having some fun drawing during winter, at home.

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