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70 pieces
265 solves
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  1. mvt3:49
  2. dutchjoke4:24
  3. xcc1022x5:06
  4. 07055:38
  5. Marlene015:41
  6. littledolcie6:01
  7. carboy6:24
  8. shirley656:35
  9. salvo4186:45
  10. cuetsu6:47


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We used to have fetes like this in the good old days, sadly haven't been for a good few years now, of course the puzzle table was always my best, then books xxx




Thank You for the puzzle I used to go to them with my Gram and Aunt it brings back memories


I really enjoy this type of event, thanks Sparkie

Must be a huge church. My little church had bazaars but nothing like this.


Lots of fun to be had and bargains to be found ☺

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  • What are the symbols on the jigsaw puzzles?

    When you browse jigsaw puzzles on Jigidi, you may notice different symbols on the puzzles. One symbol lets you bookmark the puzzle for later, and other symbols tell you about any previous activity you may have on the puzzle.