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20 by Bookish ~ in Jigidi

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I love your interpretation, Chrissie. Thanks. :))


It looks like an ornate weather forecast map. A touch of s**w with patches of sunny spots and neat isobars and those other line thingummies with a cyclone warning in the middle :-) Looks great! Thanks, Francine ♥


☺ Thanks, Suzy & Patti. :)))


I agree with Suzy -- who agrees with Ardy! :)


Ardy's vision is spot on!


Thank you very much, Shirley & Barb. I'm delighted this pleased you both. :)


Very pretty, Francine. I just love all those patterns and colors. Thanks, great solve 🙂


This is so very pretty, I love it, Thank you, Francine.


I love your idea. Thanks, Ardy.


Pool for Olympic swimming competitions? Would be a beautiful environment for such. I like this. Thanks, Francine.

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