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Closeup of the Main Landing Gear B-36 with, as the Ar Force noted, a Standard Human for scale.

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They didn't keep these and changed to the multiple wheels configuration.
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In our younger days (long gone by!) us kids used to scrounge discarded tyres and an old stick to run up and down the streets playing hoola-hoop. It would be fun trying that game with a tyre that size!


Mbuchner, you got a big laugh out of me. I had wondered if anyone was going to catch that. Thanks for commenting. :)


Thanks for stopping by, PatsyNip. :-)


Rallye350 - Thanks for telling us that.
Would that giant tire be filled with air or with something else?

It's hard to find a standard human these days.

Takes a lot for a big plane


You should see it in person at the Museum of the United States Air Force. Really a BIG tire.

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