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BR Standard Class 4MT 75078.

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Thank you adrialias for a very encouraging comment.


great pictures Dave thank you for your efforts to entertain us with your great pictures


Good luck Dave. I am sure I can find a few more in the meantime.


Sorry lads, I'm not ignoring your comments. It feel like I've just spent the past 100 years trying to remove the hard drive from my recently deceased laptop. I have an assortment of fiddly screwdrivers but not that fit perfectly. I've managed to remove 12 of the 14 screws but the remaining 2 are refusing to budge. Instead of buying a new screwdriver I have 2 friends who may possess the right size. The first can't be approached for a couple of hours so now it's back to the waiting game. When the laptop failed I lost more than 250 train photographs that I am now trying to recover. I'll keep you posted.

Well the photo is certainly taken on the same day and from very near the same position. My first thought was have you turned profesional.


Dave posted this photo and I already had mine lined up to post.
I could have been stood next to this photographer at the same time as he took his photo.

Do I detect competition?


Cheers Derek. Glad you enjoyed it.


Good puzzle Dave

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