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Black Dallas - Lilek #113

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  1. kuehner23:29
  2. Barbolita26:33
  3. irkanick27:05
  4. wausau33:48
  5. jbugs37:16
  6. oldman141:07
  7. patsquire44:00
  8. yigalm8346:33
  9. Jumble46:41
  10. gregespe51:16


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Got it! :-)


I like "Brewed from the finest ingredients for real beer lovers". That would get me to buy some Black Dallas Beer! And it was from Chicago, my favorite city. ☺


@patsquire..... you said "Good slogan"..... not sure what that refers to! :-)


That's a good thing to hope for! I agree! ☺


It's so good to know that is all you got, let's hope things get better from now on Pat.


I had exactly the same question Irene! As best as I can remember this is very late for tornadoes. With the weather changing as it is I guess we just have to expect odd things like this. All we got here near Knoxville, Tennessee is some gusting wind that blew over my neighbor's garbage can.


Pat, I thought the tornado season had passed, is this a fluke, or am I getting confused with the hurricane season?


This has been right there on your first page for a year and a half, but I just noticed it and took an interest yesterday! Good slogan. The tornadoes missed me last night. I hope all is well, my friend. Merry Christmas! ☺

randlindsly was kinda crazy.....but I was freaking out a bit to have such a high percentage of my net worth tied up in beer with them gone, I sleep better! :-)


WOW I can't believe the value of them, I thought it might be like a wine collection.


@Jumble ....side note....someone sent me a note asking to have bigger puzzles of a few of these cans, that's why there's a resurgence! :-)


@Jumble - Honestly, not a big fan of beer....I just collect the cans. These cans are from the 1930s and are empty. They are "Opening Instruction" cans, because when the can was first invented then, nobody had ever seen a can opener before, so all the can had to have instructions on how to use one! I sold my OI collection a couple years back, but the auction is still online if you want to see it! Here's the full list:

This can didn't go in the auction, but a similar one did for $1725 here:


Tell me Rand, do you drink the beer, or are they still full for your collection?

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