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Sweet Daisy, We miss you so much!

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Daisy, my darling basset girl.
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Daisy was obviously a sweetheart. We just lost our 10-year-old Airedale a month ago. He left a huge empty space behind—as did his predecessor. But I can't see living without a dog for long.

Thank you everyone for your kind words. I will never forget my Daisybelle, but Because of her sweetness I will always have room in my heart to love another dog.

Only us dog lovers know the true physical pain of losing our pets, for they are our family
I lost my JRT 'Ralphie' 13 yrs. ago. I still can't talk about him without a lump in my throat
and tears. You'll find a new friend, it won't replace Daisy so your heart will just have to
enlarge to allow more love...good luck...remember 'your not alone'


Sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts. Her name fits. She looks like a Daisy. Thanks for sharing her with us.

I am so sorry for the loss of your kitties. I can tell that you understand how hard it is to loose a dear pet. I try to remember the joy that Daisy brought to me.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitties....I can tell that you understand how hard it is to loose a dear and precious pet. I'm trying to remember all of the joy she brought me.

I totally know how you feel I cried for weeks after losing our two kitties almost a year apart - they are just like children and they have such sweet personalities, it gets better but the ache never goes away. I am truely siorry : (

Thank is very hard, but we had almost 10 wonderful years.

Aww what a sweet baby so sorry for your loss she looks like a little sweetheart : (

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