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1936 Buick Special series 40 rumble seat coupe

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  1. Trittonw3:38
  2. morten123:55
  3. montebob4:17
  4. Kroswind4:38
  5. opallia4:56
  6. peepsdw4:57
  7. Rini075:14
  8. osersan5:15
  9. Gmaggrah5:22
  10. haas905:30


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Pat....all of your info is appreciated!


Ahhh...the curves of the '30s...


Thanks cherlock... I just got on a memory trail and had a ball writing about it..

Thanks for the info! I do remember popping the clutch!


also when those batteries wouldn't start the car how we pushed each other with our bumpers and popped the clutch in gear to start the engine. We can't do that any more.


We must remember that what today may be an average speed of 50 mph,,, back in the old days,,, 25 mph was probably the average speed ... things were much slower back then,,, and things were much closer together. A lot of people never traveled more than about 30 miles from home for their whole life. Our whole family lived in the same area.
..... Also,,,, 6 people lived in a 1000 sq ft house, where as today only 3 people live in 2000 sq ft. The invention of the ranch house back in the late '50's was where people with money started pulling things apart. We had at least 10 kids playing in the street, and now you don't see any kids in any block in town. cars driving down a street full of kids only went 5 mph and all the kids stopped playing to let the car go by and then got right back in the street. That was not called traffic.

and don't let me go down the memories of cars with tubes in their tires,, and oil changes every 1000 miles and grease jobs every month. and check the oil level and color and check the water in the radiator every time you got gas.. We are spoiled today.


cool. thanks cherlock.
Rumble seat coupes are interesting... usually the rumble seats were on Roadsters, so the top was usually down, ,,,,,,, but with the coupes.. The back window rolled down with a neat crank and you could talk to your kids right out the back window.... also,,,
The coupe offered a better protection against the wind blowing you out of the rumble seat... Still all in all ........... It is funny what we allowed our kids to experience as usual things, that now would be considered very dangerous. ha ha.

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