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Yellow-crowned Night Heron Juvenile (front) and Snowy Egret (rear), Public Works Building, Del Mar, California

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Glad you like it, Ed!


Interesting photo and background story, Ginni. Thanks!


LOL! I spend more time watching the ospreys, as their nesting platform is very close to the trail. The ranger is trying to close off the path to it by piling cut brush on it, but I've told her it's no use. Those of us with cameras are going to walk up on the berm to get better photos of the osprey chicks from roughly March through July. The ospreys don't care about us! We do have to watch out for them backing up on the edge of the nest and pooping a wide arc 10-15 feet from the nest. Fortunately, they don't aim at us. And that's only two adults and two or three chicks, with the male not spending that much time at the nest. I hated to see the heron/egret tree trimmed so drastically, but I have a lot of sympathy for those home owners. :-)


I remember going out to see the heron nests on the farm. You always wore a very wide-brimmed hat and washable jacket. You would hear the splats like pouring water out of a small pitcher when the nests were over the water.


I think these youngsters grew up in the same tree elsewhere, canoekaw. The people had that tree trimmed tremendously, including removing the single heron nest and three egret nests, as soon as the chicks fledged. 11 chicks and 8 adults put a lot of bird poop on their cars and yards. They flew over to this tree which is mostly over the river. The herons still hang out here, though I don't see the egrets here any more.


It is a TWOFER!


Glad you like it, Jacki! :-)


WOW! Great shot Ginni. Thanks.

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