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Beautiful golden boy Papaya


Very handsome with such a precious face. I wish you happiness and good luck with him, Patsy. I hope he shares your home for many, many happy years. Thank you for sharing him with us.


Papaya really likes attention. And he really likes my partner, who often has his phone in his hand. I doubt that Papaya even knew he was looking at a camera.


What a lovely cat. Likes the camera too!

Papaya, you are stunningly beautiful. ❤️❤️
Thank you for posting. 👏👏

What a beautiful golden kitty. Our golden cats (4) seem to be the most loving , out of the 14 we care for.


Hey Papaya! Meow, meow! This is a great photo and puzzle. Thanks for sharing this one Patsy!


Very cute. TFS. :D

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

16 February 2019 - 6 February 2014
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    When you browse jigsaw puzzles on Jigidi, you may notice different symbols on the puzzles. One symbol lets you bookmark the puzzle for later, and other symbols tell you about any previous activity you may have on the puzzle.