Solve, create, share and talk about jigsaw puzzles

Jigidi puzzle creators: Lia

Jigidi is a global Petri dish for human creativity. In a series of 3 entries, we’re setting out to explore some of this creativity as it comes to life in photography.

4:35 Malta 3
Jigidi puzzle creators: Lia

Some photos take us to both the mental and the physical place of the photographer, while others serve as inspiration. Letting us go to new areas of our own. And then there are the photographs that make us want to reach for our camera and share our own lens with the world.

In this series, we’re tuning in on 3 of our fellow puzzlers who grab their cameras and generously share their photographs on Jigidi for the rest of us to enjoy and exercise our cognitive skills with.

Now to the good stuff - meet: Lia

How did you get started with photography?

- I would have loved to be able to be a painter, as my father was. But I have no talent in that way. Taking photos, however, gives me a nice alternative. I did always take photos, but due to costs and the question: What do I do with them? I kept a low profile. When digital cameras became simple and payable, and I discovered Jigidi, I started making more photos. I then had a reason to make them.

What inspires you?

- It is mostly simple pictures of nature. Nature that I see during walks around. Plants, trees, cows, gardens, buildings...and in Spain the coast, sea, mountains, castles… No photoshopping, no big changing of the photos. What I see is what you get.

Why do you share your photographs on Jigidi?

- As I traveled to Spain and England in those years, I found it great to form a kind of story, to take the Jigidi friends with me, and show them what I found interesting or beautiful or remarkable.

Has posting photo’s on Jigidi brought you something?

- I don’t have most solvers or most followers and don’t care about not being the most popular or best. I am happy that (some) people like the pictures; follow me; sometimes encourage me; give comments, and with a circle of them, you build up a ‘jigidi family’. They are the reason I always have my camera with me and keep an open eye for items that could be fitting for posting. In this way, I have met – in life or mail or in comments – such lovely and nice persons, and I would not like to miss any of them. They enrichen my life, day by day. It is a real miss if one gets very ill / dies. There is, for instance, one lady from Australia that died, and I (and many others) will never forget her, although we never met her. Some just are ‘gone from Jigidi,’ and we don’t know why. Is the person ill, did something happen? It is a pity that often we will never know…

♥ If you’re curious to see through Lia's lens, you can visit her puzzle page here.


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@Lia, how awesome that you are featured in this way! I love that you share your travels & adventures with us. You are one of my havens here on Jigidi. I guess I'm saying, "Thanks for being you!" (and being willing to meet me). :-)


Hello Everyone and Lia, I have been a member for years but do tend to pop in and then drift off as the world takes over again. It's always lovely to come back and refresh my thoughts and mentally relax among people I have met, knowing you are all nice kind people who are not after upsetting anyone. It's a place I trust. Bless you all :)


Hi Lia - am just seeing yr photo here now ...Fantastic !!


I love Lia's posts and get so much pleasure from solving many, I find some to be very challenging and that makes them even better to solve! I deem her as a lovely friend I have never met in person but have learned a lot from thro' her photo's.... keep up the good work Lia.....take care and stay safe in your travels.


I also love to visit Lia's website. I likes her view of the world.


Wonderful honor, Lia. Congratulations!


Beth and Rita (bayhome and Raaike) I am so happy with your loving comments. I know you both as such friendly and caring women and am so glad to know you. And I am even proud that I would get such loving comments! Because some people where I live talk and act so different from you, so I am having a bit a hard time now. This gives me confidence to know who I am. Thank you friends. I love you.

Beth en Rita: Ik ben zo blij met jullie liefdevolle commentaren. Ik ken jullie allebei persoonlijk als zorgzame en lieve vrouwen en ben blij dat ik jullie ken. Ik voel me zelfs een beetje trots dat jullie zo over mij denken.
Er zijn waar ik woon momenteel enkele mensen die mij totaal anders zien en bejegenen, en daar heb ik van binnen last van. Jullie opmerkingen laten wij weer zien wie ik ben. Bedankt vrienden. Ik hou van jullie!


Oh Lia, you are such a wonderful example of why we love the jigidi "world" and why it keeps our interests and devotion year after year!! Your puzzles and your sense of humor, and your amazing heart! They help make our "day to day" lives better, and restore our confidence in our fellow "man" when we sometimes wonder where all the good people went LOL. Thank you for sharing your photos and trips with us. Your friend, both online and in person!, Beth


Lia, het is je van harte gegund ! ☼
You are also a sweet woman, with the heart in the right place. ♥
I always look forward to your beautiful puzzles, with a lot of info, that's how I've learned a lot here.
Many years of puzzle fun here at Jigidi. :-))) ♥


I want to thank you so much all for your kind comments.
I was very surprised that I am one of three to be interviewed in Jigidi Magazine, but also very happy and flustered-proud! I hadn't realized that you could / would comment!
I regularly 'see' most of you on your - or mine - 'page' am glad to know you all, and many more!
And I hope to 'see' you all, for a long time coming!!


Lia takes and posts interesting and beautiful pictures. I hardly ever appear on her leaderboard but I certainly look for her puzzles and I also often read her comments at puzzles of our fellow puzzlers, where often her sense of humour is shown, too! ;-))


a ♣ for Lia, because she has the spirit to enjoy herself and is trying to share here daily photoo s on jigidi. She is an example for people -on age☺_ to leave the house and make a good day for herself and others♥ good luck Lia☼♫


I always enjoy Lia's posts whether they are from around her home or travelling with Bambi, I always have a look even if I do not have time to do the puzzles, so thank you Lia and for Jigidi for showing us a bit more of Lia.☺♥


Like gogogo I follow all of Lia's puzzles. I may not work each puzzle, but I love to look at the world through her lens. She makes the simplest things a pleasure, like her recent mushroom that looked like a planet or moon in a mossy, green galaxy. Thank you for helping us get to know this talented lady even better. Cyber hugs from Oakley, Idaho, USA to your world.


A big thank you to Lia for the beautiful puzzles. It's a truly deserved honor to be specially featured here. Thank you very much!


It is really nice to see the thoughts and aspirations of people who use Jigidi. Also to see where in the world they come from. My wife and I are world travellers as my jigsaw show, but it is so great to do other peoples puzzles, We are both retired now and are from England. My Nederlands is purely conversational as our son live there for a while.


Thank you for this enjoyable and insightful visit with Lia. I don't solve every single one of her puzzles, but I certainly study each of her interesting photographs. :-))


Thanks Lia for poppys and water. It is nice to have friends here :-))


Thanks for a more in-depth profile of selected members. While we may gain a partial insight of our solvers through their profiles and posted puzzles, it's wonderful to "get to know" them.


Lovely photos! I can seldom get stuff to stay still long enough to get a good picture.


It is lovely to see an article in our very own magazine by one of our friends, thank you. And a big thank you to 'our' Lia :)