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Disabling ad-blocking for Jigidi

Thank you so much for disabling your ad-blocker for Jigidi!

You're probably using AdBlock or AdBlock Plus - disabling these for Jigidi (whitelisting Jigidi) only requires a few clicks. You'll find a guide for this below. Please note, that your ad-blocker will still be active on other sites.

If you're using a different kind of ad-blocker you'll find step-by-step instructions at Wiki-How on how to disable your ad blocker.


Adblock Plus:

  1. Click the AdBlock Plus icon in the top right of your browser.
  2. Click "Enabled on this site" to disable ad-blocking for the current site. This will toggle it to "Disabled on this site".


  1. Click the AdBlock icon in the top right of your browser.
  2. Click "Don't run on pages on this domain".
  3. Once clicked a pop-up will appear. Click "Exclude" and the page should refresh.


Adblock Plus:

  1. Click on the AdBlock Plus icon in the top right of your browser.
  2. Click "Disable on".


  1. Click the AdBlock icon in the top right of your browser.
  2. Click "Don't run on pages on this domain".
  3. Once clicked a pop-up will appear. Click "Exclude" and the page should refresh.


While AdBlocker and AdBlocker Plus are the most common on the market, other ad-blockers exist. Disabling any ad-blocker for Jigidi genrally consists of just a few clicks:

  1. Find the icon of the ad-blocker (likely in your toolbar) and choose to disable it for

Now, you're done! Thank you so much for coming through for Jigidi. We will, on our part, ensure a responsible and user-oriented ad policy on Jigidi.

Last revision: 16 April 2021