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Kaleidos Made From June's Birthstone: Alexandrite!! ~ M

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Happy Birthday to all Jigidiers who have birthdays in June. I hope you enjoy these kaleidos made from one of your birthstones – alexandrite. Alexandrite comes in some wonderful colours, but I just used its beautiful shades of blue, blue-green, green, blue-purple, purple and pink for this puzzle.

I absolutely love making my puzzles, and I hope you love solving them. (❛ᴗ❛)
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  1. laurajane1:39
  2. troutmma1:44
  3. JavaChip341:55
  4. RandomWorship1:58
  5. hnail2:04
  6. baggins092:21
  7. rockbit2:21
  8. Tyco2:22
  9. lubika2:23
  10. mm602:24


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Thanks Jerri! I love it too - the colours are wonderful! (❛ᴗ❛)


You're welcome, ruthellen. And your husband's alternative birthstone is very lovely. I hope that he liked it too. (❛ᴗ❛)

what beatiful colors. this is a beatiful stone.

Thank you for this lovely puzzle. My husbands birthday was in June.


Thanks Diane! (❛ᴗ❛)




You're welcome, MC! Glad you liked them. (❛ᴗ❛)


Oh, goodness, teacherg. What a wonderful thing to say! Thanks so much! I'm delighted that you liked this set so much. Thanks for letting me know too. (❛ᴗ❛)


Lovely! Thanks!


Each kaleido is a lovely work of art - together, they are a beautiful display! Such fun to put together.


Graag gedaan, qaaz! Ik ben blij dat je het leuk vond. (❛ᴗ❛)

Dankjewel :-)

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