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"Weekend" (1928)

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Georg Siebert was a New Objectivist, as were Otto Dix, Rudolf Schlichter and Christian Schad. But, while other members of that school fell into oblivion with the arrival of Nazis to power, or were even forced to emigrate, Siebert thrived under the new régime. He seems to have discovered another string to his bow. No more good-natured irony, no more mild humor when observing the daily life of his fellow citizens, no more humour at all. Now he painted harmonious images of the countryside, pretty landscapes, young women in traditional costume. But, when the war came, also heroic scenes of brave German soldiers conquering Poland. No way Siebert could have been labeled "degenerate artist" as Grosz and Dix did. On the contrary, his new style was appreciated by the regime and he was rewarded with prizes and a position as professor at the Karlsruhe art school. The Führer himself purchased some of his paintings. I know no other examples of avant garde artists turning Nazi, no just politically but also in their style. Nolde was a Nazi, for sure, but he never abandoned Expressionism. The same could be said of the poet Gottfried Benn.
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It;s great to read your comments nanapuzzler and Bill :-)


This one made me laugh…and smile! Thanks, oynot.


This painting is just inviting us to join them! His politics are sad but his art is good.


Mr too! See you there! :-))


I so what to jump in this painting jandchris :-)


Thank you for this bio. oynot,, and a lovely painting. What an ideal way to spend a weekend - even the dog is catching up on his sleep. :-))


LOL @jeribar8 and @Isaly2. I want to post a nice to meet you @cookcoyle and a thank you to @carolsmc for taking the time to post your thoughts :-)

It's tragic what happened to Siebert, too!


Interesting story. It's tragic what happened to Siebert's contemporaries.


hehe.. we have our own language.~❤️~


~~❤️~😊 ~~👍 ~❤️~


~😍 ~👍 ~

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